Oh Boy, has it been hot here! A week of highs in the upper 90's, so not much cooling off in the evening. I count on cool evenings, as I don't have an air conditioner. It is still so hot this morning. The only thing I can say is thank goodness I don't live where it is humid, or I think I would melt into a puddle.
I haven't dyed anything new lately. It is just too hot!!! I am hopeful my basement studio will ready in a few weeks. My husband and I have been working very hard cleaning it out. Lots of things that we apparently thought were important are now awaiting their new home at the thrift store. Several things that we apparently thought were important have now found their home in the local dump. Several things that were important but are no longer important but hold important information are waiting their chance to go to the paper shredding place and be remade into whatever they make with shredded paper.
We went camping this past week. We went up to the mountains, where it was a smidge cooler. But just a smidge.

We were near a beautiful little stream, and it was much cooler down by the water. It was so quiet, no noise other than the breeze in the trees, the birds, the water, it was completely peaceful. You could hear the wind come up the valley. If you listened closely, you could hear so many different sounds in the water - the rushing water, the water hitting a certain rock, the slow part of the stream.

It felt so good to get our feet wet in the water. We could see tiny fish, and birds, and so many butterflies. It was so peaceful.
I always feel rejuvenated and calm after camping. Hopefully I will be returning to dyeing soon!