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A Sparkley Spring

In between the end of the school year activities, gardening, and spring cleaning, I have still been busy dyeing up some colorful yarn. ...

600 Sales!

So excited that I reached 600 Sales. Everytime I reach a milestone, I am reminded that my sons apparently thought I would only sell 10...


I watched a show today that was about words. It was about your words, positive or negative, create an action. Don't think I am going to...

August Comes Around Again

And all the fun that August brings with it. Cooler weather in the morning, school supply sales, and returning to school. This year...

Well Now it is July

Well here it is July. Time is just flying by, it always does in the summer. The garden is growing well. We have already had some...

Spring Planting and Planning

Spring finally appears to be here. I was super excited to get planting, and bought some starter plants over the weekend. We'll try to...

Spring - Colorado Style

Technically Spring has started, but anyone who lives in Colorado knows that just means crazy weather time. We have track for K, and here...

St. Patrick's Day

In our house, we enjoy celebrating St. Patrick's Day. This year is especially exciting as L is in Dublin, Ireland and they are having...

Yarn Sale and Other Things

I haven't shown many of my new yarns lately, so this post will be a bit picture heavy. I am excited to introduce my newest product. Three...

Snow Day!

Oh glorious day - a real snow day yesterday! Today too! Look how happy Bailey is about it! We finally got some snow here. It has been...

Just Catching Up

It has been a very quiet January since we got L off to Ireland. We did take the dogs to Fountain Creek this weekend for a nice walk. Of...


Well, at least January is almost over. Wait, what year is it again? Oh yes, 2022, or 2020 too as some people have referred to it. I...

The Eagle has landed

Well, more like my little eaglet has landed in Ireland. He left DIA on Sunday and got to his dorm safe and sound. That was him before he...

New Year and All That Goes With It

It is a new year. I think we are all a little wary about what that means. Nothing miraculously changes, just a few more laws, different...

Wonderful Time of Year

It is that week between Christmas and the New Year. It makes you think about things - things in the past, things for the future. For...

Festival of Lights

Our city, as well as our church, are celebrating their 150th anniversary this year. So we decided to make a float to participate in the...


I hope all of you had a nice Thanksgiving this year. I realize we must take advantage of the windows of time we are given to spend time...


I hope that we all remember to be kind to one another. Last week, I had such a thoughtful and nice customer take the time to actually...

Finishing Up Fall

Here we are at the end of October - so amazing how quickly the seasons fly by. Isn't that amazing? It is huge. The artist is Starr...

Fall - One of the Best Seasons

Ahh, I can finally feel it in the air - FALL! Isn't it wonderful - Fall Yarn, Halloween, Winter Knitting, and those pumpkin drinks for...

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