Oh glorious day - a real snow day yesterday! Today too! Look how happy Bailey is about it!
We finally got some snow here. It has been so dry, so warm this winter, it has hardly been winter at all. So, Tuesday night it started snowing, and kept snowing all day. It is a beautiful blanket of white outside.
But the snow day made me think about my children and how grown up they are now. First, two of them do not really get snow days anymore. As an adult, my oldest child already works from home, snow or no snow. My second one is in college, way over the ocean for now, so no snow days at home with mom for him either. But my little K is still here with me. We had our cocoa (real cocoa with milk and made on the stovetop). We played board games. We hung around in sweat pants. It was great. It made me think, how many more days like that? Before I know it, she will be off to college and living her life, spending her snow days with friends, not playing board games in front of the fire with us.
As a matter of fact, her plan for today is to look at driver's education classes with me, plan her 15th birthday - should we go to tea or a girl's weekend or ??? Also, we need to order her more makeup.....so it begins.
And that is the problem with being a parent, we know all the firsts. The first step, the first word, rolling over - all of that. But no one really remembers the last time their child held their hand in the parking lot. Or the last time you had to buckle them up in the car. Or the last time you tied their shoe. When did you last pick out their clothes? When is the last cozy snow day?
Ahh the beauty and sadness of life, the movement of time. So while many parents will lament a second snow day, I personally will enjoy it. I will love every minute. I will sit in front of the fire, sip a warm drink, knit a few rows, play a couple of games....and look at driver's ed.