I think we can all agree that celebrating is a little different these days. But it is still important to celebrate.
Some flowers from my parents.

This weekend we had a small get together to celebrate my birthday. We gathered at my parent's home, which is very nice and had a great time catching up. We even played a parlor game where people said nice things about me, which was very thoughtful.
My husband got me a great crafting table for the room we are putting together downstairs. It is still in a box, so I won't bore you with that.
Some of my other knitting and dyeing gifts are below....
My sweet sister-in-law got me this great book about natural dyeing.
My son gave me this new swift, so I can measure my skeins easier. It includes a yarn counter as well, so it will help me in two ways.
I received many other great gifts, like a crock pot for dyeing yarn from L, tablecloth, and I am ordering some more dye thanks to K. But most importantly, we all got to celebrate together.