I am still trying to find my rhythm with all the changes going on. It isn't easy, is it? You think you have a schedule, but something comes along and goofs it up. I hope that in the next few weeks, I am able to find my rhythm, but it will be difficult, because things just keep changing. It is nice to know that I am not the only one who feels like just when you get settled, things turn upside down again. I did manage to update my Etsy shop with some new Tie Dye Twosome. I should be updating again on Friday.
I finally got around to winding my new Colorado Yarn from Dyer's Wool down in southeastern Colorado. They are so nice, just a small family farm situation. They included this cute card for me, as a little gift. Isn't it adorable? Feel free to check out their website and support a family run business right here in Colorado. That is real sheep wool on the card!

I am looking forward to some cooler weather here in Colorado later this week, and into next week. Dare I even say it is suppose to rain? I should probably whisper it. I know we aren't the only state here in the western United States hopeful for rain.
We will keep taking things one day at a time and hope you do the same.